Imagine that you could support your favorite cause simply by searching the internet. GoodSearch (powered by Yahoo!) offers one of the easiest ways to support The Growing Connection by letting you do just that.
Every time you use GoodSearch to search the internet, fifty percent of the ad revenue generated by your search results will be donated to the charity, school or nonprofit organization of your choice. All you have to do to support TGC’s work is to choose TGC (under the name "United States Committee for FAO") as your favorite cause on the GoodSearch website and start searching. To make it even easier to support TGC initiatives through your internet searches you can download the GoodSearch toolbar here. The GoodSearch toolbar provides easy access to GoodSearch on your web browser.
GoodSearch also recently expanded to include GoodShop, an online shopping mall of established merchants dedicated to helping fund worthy causes across the country. Every time you purchase something through the GoodShop mall, a donation - averaging approximately 3% of the sale, but going up to 20% or even more – will be made to TGC.
Easy no? So what are you waiting for? Get searching and shopping and feel good doing it!